EEEK!! I'm SO HAPPY you made the choice to invest in yourself
by registering for the very first EMBODY experience!
Here's what happens next:
~ You'll get an email receipt as your payment confirmation.
~ Click here to join the EMBODY with Laura Moss Facebook group.
~ Once your request to join the Facebook group has been approved, take a minute to introduce yourself in the pinned Welcome post - let everyone know who you are, where you're from, and why you're here. Then, answer this: If you were a beverage, what would you be and why?
~ Put the EMBODY start and end dates on your calendar. That way, you're signaling to yourself that you're making a commitment to YOU and that this is IMPORTANT.
Those dates are: August 5 and August 25.
~ Take a deep breath and notice your lungs inflate and deflate. <-- In that moment of noticing, you EMBODY-ed. See? This is going to be AWESOME!!